You Are The Love Story-Self Love Summit is now over But You can still get the recordings!

For just $99 you can get your ALL ACCESS VIP PASS that includes...

ACCESS TO 15+ Video training from top Leading Experts, PLUS:

  • Unlimited replays of all of the recordings at your fingertips in both audio and video format

  • Each recording transcribed for you

  • Our summarized key points Action Workbook so you can start to implement right away!

  • Self Love Guided Meditations

Featuring 15+ Experts

Get your on-demand Lifetime VIP All Access Pass to Self Love experts who'll show you how to finally start to develop genuine love and deep trust in yourself, so that you can experience lasting change from the inside out!

That's right - when you purchase NOW for just $99 you can get your ALL ACCESS PASS that includes...

All-Access VIP Pass
VIDEO + AUDIO Recordings

Have the convenience to listen on the go with the downloadable audios or listen on demand with the videos

Self Love Guided Meditation Bundle

Audio meditations to support you on your journey to deeper self love and self trust.


Our Featured Speakers

I hand-picked speakers that are experts in their fields. They’re teaching from experience, and sharing their own journeys, along with tips you can implement right away.

Despite their busy schedules this time of year, each of these speakers jumped on board for this event and promised to share their best stuff. All I can say is, you’re in for a treat!

Alana Van Der Sluys

Tammy Vincent

Dr Faye Wilson

Steffi Seefeld

Kim Knight

Tania Bartolini

Katie Kozlowski

Dr Claire Macaulay

Barbara Ann Jacques

Risa Gaull

Dwight Dale Miller

Lauren Gale

Fran Gallaher

Rita Cuevas

Jeanne Bessette

Laura Donnelly

Christine Gold

Denise Drinkwalter

Yulia Azriel